Human Trafficking Master Class
Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery—a multi-billion dollar criminal industry that denies freedom to 20.9 million people around the world. And no matter where you live, chances are it's happening nearby. From the girl forced into prostitution at a truck stop, to the man discovered in a restaurant kitchen, stripped of his passport and held against his will. All trafficking victims share one essential experience: the loss of freedom.
We here at ICAN Talks have been a strong advocate and been involved in discussions and training of leaders of organisations such as Pastors, Business men and women, schools and campuses and many more. We host educational conversations anywhere from places of worship to a coffee shop. We address the issue of Human Trafficking nationally in Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean and beyond. Join with us and lets educate the world about the heinous crime of human trafficking and make this world a safer and better place to live. Let's set the captives free from modern day slavery. Thanks in advance, Dr. Clarence A. Greene Pastor/Speaker Contact: Dr. Clarence A. Greene Phone: 1-868-397-5961 TT Phone: 1-678-421-4855 US Whatsapp: 1-678-856-3709 STUDENT PREVENTION & AWARENESS PROGRAM
AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM – Designed for both small groups and large audiences, this interactive program provides a global perspective on the issue of human trafficking and is suitable for anyone over the age of 12. This Prevention and Awareness Program contains three interactive lessons that are suitable to be used in both academic and community group settings. It is layered into two presentation formats to engage audiences of all sizes. There are step-by-step instructions, accompanying videos, and additional resources to ensure clear and easy delivery for facilitators. The goal of this program is three-fold:
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